Solar energy power plants (both utility and rooftop scale) have
seen tremendous amount of growth in last few years. With such growth in
conjunction with the country’s ambitious target of 100 GW, the market is to achieve
new heights. However, acting as a hitch to such target (from consumer’s
perspective) may be selecting the correct investment plan (or more commonly business
model) by which a consumer can get desired return. Additionally the prices of
solar power plant have seen a huge downshift (Figure 1)
due to various (positive and negative) reasons. Such downshift of prices has
led to a round of curiosity among the investors on the profit margins from the
system. With the advancement of technology it is now possible to have various
alterations (both technical and commercial) in a solar power plant. A business
model in simple terms may be defined as a plan which would deliver a particular
product or service and earn profits in return. With reference to solar power
plant a business model is the method by which either revenue is generated by
selling the generated energy or savings are made by consuming the generated
electricity. From a consumers and/or investors prospective it is important that
he chooses the right business model to minimize his risks and maximizes his
returns. This article aims to educate its reader on the various types of
business models he could possibly choose from.
Figure 1: Recent trends of Utility scale
solar energy price (Source: Mercom Capital Group)
Customer owned business model
As the name suggest, self owned business model are the ones
which require the consumer to invest themselves in the solar rooftop system.
They can be further sub categorized as follows:
Gross metering: Metering is an important
aspect for financial settlement in the solar power plant. The number of units
exported to and imported from the grid is recorded in the meter. Gross metering
(from the two types of known metering arrangement models) uses two separate meters
for recording the export and import of energy (Figure 2).
While connected to the grid, the energy is fed into the grid at a tariff known
as Feed in Tariff (FiT) and the consumer buys the energy at his normal
applicable tariff. Prevalent in the areas with good grid reliability, this
model would ensure a minimum (guaranteed) amount of return to the consumer.
Figure 2: A typical gross metering arrangement
(Source: Google images)
Net metering: The second type of metering
arrangement is known as net metering. Indirectly promoting captive consumption
of energy, “net” metering uses the net difference between the export and import
of energy measured by a bi-directional net meter (Figure 3).
This type of arrangement does away with the need of storage as the energy (when
needed say at night) is imported from the grid. Such model is suitable for few
categories of consumer whose tariffs are higher then cost of generation from
solar plant. Most utility/regulators tend to limit the size of the power plant
such that the annual energy generation is less that the customer’s demand.
Prevalent in the areas with good grid reliability, this model would generate
revenue through potential savings for consumer and sale of excess energy to the
utility (in few cases). An additional advantage to the utility is that the
financial settlement is done at a tariff much lower than the FiT. From a
customers view point, he would always consumer more than his generation capacity.
This means that if he has his FiT lower than the utility tariff.
Figure 3: A typical net metering arrangement
(Source: Google images)
Let’s say a consumer’s
consumption is 150 units (tariff of 10 Rs/kWh) and the generation is 100 units
(with FiT of 6 Rs/kWh). By using gross metering one would pay the utility 900
Rs while by using net metering he would pay only 500 Rs. This means that a
customer who is (almost always) consuming more than his generation, he would
always tend to pay more in gross metering if his FiT is less than his tariff
while compared to net metering where he would be paying for the net import of
Figure 4: Cost benefit analysis of gross and net metering
Captive consumption (off grid route): Off grid captive consumption (Figure 5)
kind of power plants are set up where the consumer has almost poor or no access
to the grid. Such plants are set up with an intention to either consume or
store all the energy generated by the plant. This plant can replace the old age
Diesel Generator (DG) which could reduce both the cost and pollution however it
would require a storage source (battery) to be integrated with it for
continuous supply of energy. The only limitation of such system is that they
(and the storage) are designed to supply energy only for particular number of
days. Hence if there is no sun for a stretch, it may result in intermittent
supply of energy.
Figure 5: Flow of energy in
captive consumption (Source: Google images)
Third party owned business model
The business model requires third party (who is not the
consumer) to invest in and own the power plant. This reduces the investment risk
of the end consumer while they enjoy clean energy at cheaper rates. There are
two basic types of such models:
Solar leasing: Leasing has been one of
the most important tools for offsetting risk. In solar leasing (primarily
followed in USA) the rooftop owner leases a rooftop system from a company. The
rooftop owner pays a pre agreed rent for such system while using the energy
generated from the rooftop system. This would reduce his dependence on grid and
reduce his overall energy usage cost. An added advantage is that both the company
and the end customer are free to choose different party once the lease period
is over. Both the parties here get a fixed amount of savings over the same
Solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) or Renewable
Energy Service Company (RESCO) model:
The most commonly known model in solar industry is the Solar PPA or
RESCO model. In this model, the developer constructs the power plant and sells
the generated energy to the end consumer. The end consumer simply pays for the
energy usage without worrying about the technical and financial aspects of the
plant as per the PPA. Such model is prevalent in government bodies where their
rooftop can be utilized to generate solar energy. The developer on the other hand, does not
have to land acquisition based problems but directly install the solar system.
Community shared business model
While the first two types of
business model have dominated the market, community shared business model have
been emerging in small urban centres and rural areas. Here the generated energy
(from various sources) is utilized by the entire community as per their energy
needs. They can be connected to the grid or completely disconnected from the
grid based on grid availability. The customer themselves or third party
investor coupled with subsidy from the state and/or central government is
generally used to set up such communities. The energy mix from various power
plants can be used by all the consumers. Such community may be connected to the
grid and hence could utilize the grid power when power deficit. Such plant may
also be off grid mandating the usage of storage technology. A variation to such
model is also possible when instead of centralized generation each house has a
distributed generation. In such cases few houses, if have increased power
requirement can obtain excess energy from other houses which has low power
demand. The house supplying power can be paid for this extra energy while
maintaining the balance in the grid. Such
innovative and disruptive business models are in place and more variations of
such models may be added in near future. Additionally they would enable rural
electrification along with improved quality of power at a cheaper cost (when
compared to the primitive methods of generation).
Figure 6: Micro-gird (on left) and a Mini-grid (on right)
Waaree is committed to deliver Avant grade products and
services to its consumers. The group has more than 10 years of experience in
the solar business and is a trusted name for solar modules and EPC service. We have
executed more than 300 MW of solar EPC projects under various business models. We
have assisted our customers on the optimal system and the business model for
maximizing their returns. Additionally, we are
also capable of performing O&M of the solar plant to realize its life time
and maximize the energy output from the plant.
Let us all pledge
to make solar energy the primary source of energy in the near future.
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